Add timestamps to Powershell/Command Prompt

When originally setting up CommandoVM (unfortunately not currently updated anymore), I noticed that when using CMD/PS that it had a timestamp for every line.  I went through all of the setup scripts on the Github page till I found the code needed – I’ve used it on all my workstations since.

For the Command Prompt, enter in the line below then restart cmd:
					setx PROMPT $S$d$s$t$_$p$+$g
For Powershell, enter in the code below then restart PS:
					$psprompt = @"
function prompt
    Write-Host `$(get-date) -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host  "PS" `$PWD ">" -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
    return " "

New-Item -ItemType File -Path $profile -Force | Out-Null
Set-Content -Path $profile -Value $psprompt